How to prepare logistics for Brexit
The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union will suppose many changes for the logistics sector, so it would be necessary to be prepared.
The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union will suppose many changes for the logistics sector, so it would be necessary to be prepared.
Automation is a process spreading to all industrial sectors with different approaches and one of them is the container terminal sector.
The Eurovignette it the unified fare system that the EU is promoting for the road network in Member States and that charges users basing on time of use. Now, according to the draft regulation recently approved by European Parliament, it will move to a toll based on the distance travelled.
Europe must put an end to CO2 emissions in transport by 2050. This means halting climate change, gaining energy independence and increasing competitiveness.
“Just-in-time” consists in reducing the time that ships spend in seaports through time measuring and coordination. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), considers this method as a key factor for reducing carbon footprint in sea tranport and for saving time and money to sea companies.
Last 30 October Madrid hosted a workshop entitled “Cybersecurity in Logistics and Transport”. An event with debates, sucess stories and lectures about how to stop cybercrime.
Big Data is revolutionising the business world across all sectors and as to be expected, expectations are high in regard to its use in ports logistics.
International freight transport is a complex issue in legal terms, and the documentation it requires proves it. This kind of exportation requires very precise paperwork. In addition to other reasons, this is to fulfil the contract and comply with authority controls in the countries through which the merchandise travels.
Maritime chartering is the most commonly used formula when it comes to sea freight transport. We are having a look at these contracts.
One of the challenges faced by the energy sector is the replacement of polluting fuels with other renewable sources such as biomass. Understanding biomass and their specific handling and storage requirements is essential.
When it comes to international transport, this boils down to just two: sea and air. How do you know when it is more convenient to transport our freight by air or by sea?
“Ro-Ro” stands for the operation of ships or vessels that transport roll-on roll-off cargo, i.e., automobiles, trucks or commercial vehicles.