At Bilogistik we offer you our forwarding agent service. Whether you are an importer or exporter, we proceed on your behalf and in your interest to organise the safe, efficient and profitable transport of your goods. In other words, we offer you our expert service in order that an apparently complicated operation will run like clockwork.
We contract the transport, select the most efficient route considering time and costs, take out insurance policies, choose the right packaging for the cargo and manage its storage and/or distribution. All of these are decisions which mark the difference when measuring the efficiency of a logistics operation.
How does our Forwarding Agent service help you?
Recommendation and advice on costs. We offer you the most profitable and effective alternative (charter costs, port and customs costs, consular fees, special documentation costs, insurance policies, etc.).
Preparation and presentation of the documentation required to export goods and for the different participating agents.
Advice on freight transport, packaging and stowage. This includes using groupage freight to obtain lower costs in the event of partial container loads.
Reservation of the necessary freight space in a means of transport, as well as taking care of the cargo storage and/or distribution.
Completion of formalities with customs agents in foreign countries in order to ensure compliance with regulations.
Simplified processes and formalities. We solve all potential setbacks that may arise with an international shipment.

International forwarding
The role of the international forwarding agent takes on particular importance in guaranteeing the successful outcome of an international freight shipment, given that they act as an intermediary between the sender of the shipment and the national transport companies to ensure efficient and interference-free transport from the country of origin to that of the destination.
At Bilogistik we have an expert team of international forwarding agents. This enables us organise shipments for importers and exporters while acting as a guarantor in order that the commercial operations proceed according to the agreed conditions and without prejudice to any of the parties involved.
Request a quoteOther logistics services
At Bilogistik we have all types of transport solutions:
Multimodal transport
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Maritime chartering
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Ship agency
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Customs management
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Transporte de todo tipo
de Mercancías
Transportamos tu carga mineral de forma eficiente y adaptada a tus necesidades logísticas, sea cual sea la dificultad del terreno. Te acompañamos en cada fase de la cadena de suministro.
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Soluciones para el transporte de caucho, ya sea a granel, en forma de neumáticos o productos derivados. Diseñamos la solución logística más adecuada y eficiente para que tus mercancías lleguen en perfectas condiciones.
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Mercancías Peligrosas
Tenemos la solución logística idónea para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas, como explosivos o corrosivos. Garantizamos una solución logística integral, cumpliendo con todos los estándares de seguridad.
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Soluciones para cargas especiales y de proyecto
Gracias a la experiencia en logística de nuestro equipo, desde Bilogistik te ofrecemos nuestro servicio de transporte de cargas especiales, tanto de forma puntual como dentro de un proyecto industrial con desplazamientos continuados.
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