
As experts in advanced logistics and as part of our integral service, at Bilogistik we offer you our storage service for goods in transit. We receive your goods and keep them safe until the date of their shipment, both in our external storage and in the bonded warehouse in the Port of Bilbao.

The benefits of our storage service

Storage both in a bonded warehouse and in our external storage with duty and customs benefits for the cargo:

  • Depósito aduanero

    Customs warehouse (DA):
    the goods can stay in these facilities for an unlimited time independently of their origin, nature, quantity or destination, without paying duty until they leave the premises.

  • Depósito distinto del aduanero

    Warehouse authorisation different from that of customs (DDA):
    any Community company can use these facilities to store goods imported within the EU without paying VAT in advance or having to go through customs.

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Almacenamiento en depósito franco

Bonded warehouse storage

At Bilogistik we work with the Bilbao Bonded Warehouse, a bonded storage area created to foster international trade, given that it accepts all kinds of goods corresponding to imports and exports between countries and offers a great deal of independence for the arrival and departure of any kind of freight.

The warehouse has a surface area of 35,000m2 and has 11 modern storage areas equipped with state-of-the-art auxiliary machinery for freight handling and maintenance.

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External storage

We manage the external storage of your goods in our own warehouse alongside the Port of Bilbao. Entrust us with the storage of your freight, no matter what it is, and we will keep it safe until its shipment date. We offer all of the options that your freight may need.

In addition, as part of our integral service, the external storage facility includes the reception and shipping of goods, control of the product both on arrival and departure and the completion of administrative and customs formalities.

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Almacenamiento en almacén exterior
Almacenamiento y manipulación de todo tipo de mercancías

Storage and handling of all types of goods

At Bilogistik we adapt the complete storage and handling process to the type, quantity and volume of goods you entrust to us. We have specialised means and equipment for adequately handling and storing all types of freight, from bulk goods to heavy cargoes.

In addition, your goods will always be watched over by a team of security professionals to guarantee its safety and prevent problems of any kind. When your cargo leaves our storage facility, it will do so in perfect conditions and with the same tax benefits as a bonded warehouse.

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Other logistics services

At Bilogistik we have all types of transport solutions:

Transporte de todo tipo
de Mercancías

  • Minerales

    Transportamos tu carga mineral de forma eficiente y adaptada a tus necesidades logísticas, sea cual sea la dificultad del terreno. Te acompañamos en cada fase de la cadena de suministro.

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  • Metales

    Diseñamos una solución a medida para el transporte de todo tipo de metales, sea un pedido recurrente o puntual. Optimizamos cada proceso para una entrega en óptimas condiciones y con total transparencia.

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  • Caucho

    Soluciones para el transporte de caucho, ya sea a granel, en forma de neumáticos o productos derivados. Diseñamos la solución logística más adecuada y eficiente para que tus mercancías lleguen en perfectas condiciones.

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  • Mercancías Peligrosas

    Tenemos la solución logística idónea para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas, como explosivos o corrosivos. Garantizamos una solución logística integral, cumpliendo con todos los estándares de seguridad.

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Soluciones para Cargas Especiales y de Proyecto

Soluciones para cargas especiales y de proyecto

Gracias a la experiencia en logística de nuestro equipo, desde Bilogistik te ofrecemos nuestro servicio de transporte de cargas especiales, tanto de forma puntual como dentro de un proyecto industrial con desplazamientos continuados.

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